Bourbon's Sugarglider Info - A fantastic source of information!!!! Don't miss this site.
International Sugar Gliders Association - If you are serious about your gliders, you should think about joining....
Glider Information Network - Another great source of info, some cute pictures too!
GliderCentral - Really interesting facts about gliders!
GliderNet - This has some great links to personal glider-owner pages! Warning: Ultra cute ray sunglasses should be donned before going to these sites!
Hind Leg Paralysis in Gliders - a personal story of one amazing little glider, Gizmo, and a reminder to us all to watch calcium intake and UV lighting.
Is a Glider for you? - a great page to decide if a glider is truly the pet for you.
Out of Love Sugar Glider Rescue - if you live near Ohio, check her site out! She takes in unwanted gliders and finds them new loving FOREVER homes!
Sugar Gliders and Exotic Pets - lots of links for useful information! - a great site to share pictures, stories and links for glider lovers!
Ultimate Sugar Glider WebRing - Check it out for all kinds of pages on gliders!
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