City: Statewide
Organization: Amanda Connection
Organization Web Site:
Organization E-Mail List:
Contact Person Name: Susan Joy
Contact Person E-mail:
Phone: 203-426-5488 (Susan)
Fax: 707-885-0491 (efax to Cinda)
Type or animal or breed rescued: cats, any breed
Description: Amanda Connection is a cat rescue network of foster homes. We tackle feral cat colonies, rehabitilate cats, do medical, then place them. We also have numerous special needs cats that need homes (diabetics, blind, deaf, amputees, etc.)

City: West Hartford
Organization: JCCARE
Organization Web Site:
Contact Person Name: Jean Vitale
Contact Person E-mail:
Phone: 860-231-9507
Fax: 860-236-5258
Type or animal or breed rescued: Japanese chin, will do home visits for any breed, depending on location.